Are you ready to live your most LIT-UP life? 🔥🔥🔥

I love guiding people who want to wake up EXCITED and feel their LIFE- FORCE pumping again!

Everyone around you benefits when you do what lights you up.

If you feel your light is dimming or your life-force is draining, it’s a sign.

It’s your time!

Let Your Magic Flow is a deliciously fun digital program where I show you how EASY it is to unleash your inner spark all day long to create an EXTRAORDINARY life while juggling your real life responsibilities!

Every time we tune into our soul nudges, something happens. The Universe re-arranges things to line up with our desires. Synchronicities show up. Our yellow brick road starts to appear.

You will learn how to tap into your soul’s magnificent plan for you while also walking through awesome tools to navigate the challenges that come with being human.

Are you ready

✨ to dream BIG while living gently

to stop muscling your way through life like a warrior

✨ instead to unleash your connection to the Universe where the impossible becomes possible

✨ to live an epic life that feels spacious and nourishing while pulsing with life

This is not a fantasy.

And it is most definitely not ‘too good to be true’.

This is my reality and it would be my honour to support you in making it yours.


Let Your Magic Flow

Where you in tap into your unique soul nudges to upgrade every aspect of your life that you desire!

Digital Course - Let Your Magic Flow
One time
For 2 weeks

An on-line program to upgrade your life by tapping into your unique higher wisdom with 5 x recorded video lessons (approx 1 hr each). Available immediately. Lifetime access so you can re-watch anytime. Price is in AUD.

Who am I and what qualifies me to help you?

My name is Sheila Langan and I am obsessed with guiding people with big callings back to their full power.

I am a genius at noticing when people are speaking and thinking from their soul versus their human mind. One is guiding you towards your wildest dreams and the other is doing everything in it’s power to keep you where you are.

Expansion versus Survival.

I know how to not just remove the subconscious blocks that are causing you to self-sabotage, I show you how to get your subconscious on-board with your wildest desires so it will help not hinder you.

I’ve brought in my dream home, a remarkable herd of horses, and oodles of money that has given me enormous freedom. A life I LOVE!

✨ I’m here for a delicious life that’s 5 star in parts and wild barefoot on the earth in others.

✨ I’m here for living slowly and in tune with how my body feels in each moment.

I’m here for magic and fairytales and soul wisdom.

✨ I’m here for receiving wildly miraculous blessings from the Universe.

I’m here for living in a way that sustains life for all.

It’s time to create a new legacy, one led from our souls.

Are you in?

“Coming out of a session with Sheila feels like the warmth and beauty of the golden hour that you experience during a sunset. You can’t help but to take a moment to breathe it all in.

I felt so held, supported and truly seen during my time with Sheila. Her presence and energy is magnetising and is felt the moment you connect with her.

The Breakthrough that I experienced during my time with Sheila was HUGE.”

Larissa Drysdale

Life & Leadership Coach, New Zealand

What is included in:

Let Your Magic Flow

Lesson 1 - Upgrade your life

If you only do the power move I teach in this call, your life will be unrecognisable in a year AND you will feel better from the first day you apply it. I explain the science & soul behind this too so you understand WHY it works.

Lesson 2 - Tuning into your power

We dive in deep and ask your soul what messages it has for you at this time. You will learn how to tap into your most potent power which is available 24x7 with the BEST advice for your unique life. Unmissable!

Lesson 3 - Navigating the struggle

Everyone stumbles along the way, that is our human programming. To be wildly successful at applying everything I teach here, you have got to get good at navigating the bumpy parts too. Releasing unhelpful beliefs and stuck emotions. You will feel lighter and more confident the better you get at this. This call is worth coming back to over and over because it’s part of being human.

Lesson 4 - Raising your standards

To uplevel our life, we have to uplevel our standards. This week we examine what we want to upgrade across our beliefs, boundaries, influences and our day-to-day life. This is worth repeating every time you want to upgrade your life.

Lesson 5 - Pre-recorded Q&A

We recap the key messages, share a powerful story and then explore some real life scenarios and respond to questions from previous students of the course.

How it is delivered

  • 5 x approx 60min pre-recorded videos in member portal

  • Lifetime access to replays

  • Immediate access to member portal upon registration

Digital Course - Let Your Magic Flow
One time
For 2 weeks

“I achieved calm and peace and confidence.

I came away feeling invigorated and motivated to move forward more confidently than ever before.”

Lisa Lynch, Property Manager, Ireland

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When does the program start? You will receive access shortly after you sign up and can start straight away.

  2. How do I access the content? Shortly after you sign up, you will be sent a link via email and one with your access details to the member portal where the videos are stored.

  3. I’m busy, what if I don’t have time now? The first hour of this course shows you how I have unplugged from a busy life and created a pace I love. And you will have lifetime access to the replays.

  4. Do you offer refunds? My policy is no refunds on digital products so I encourage you to message me with all your questions before you buy it. Trust your intuition, does this feel right for you.

  5. Do you guarantee results? I love this course and have poured my soul into it. It includes all the essentials that I learned for living a soul-led life over the past decade and is condensed into the crucial steps. However your results are wholly dependent on you and what effort you put in. I cannot guarantee your effort and therefore I cannot guarantee your results.

Digital Course - Let Your Magic Flow
One time
For 2 weeks